Black locust stand structure on the sterile dump in the middle basin of Jiu River (Romania)


  • Cornelia BUZATU-GOANȚĂ (née) HERNEA Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania
  • Mihaela Corneanu
  • Constantin Nețoiu
  • Andrei Buzatu
  • Anca Rovena Lăcătușu
  • Luminița Cojocaru


Black locust, Forest restoration, Stand structure sterile dump


Introduced in 1750 as an ornamental tree and then in 1852 as a forest tree species, black locust occupied nowadays 250,000 ha in Romania. The tree species is important for its wood (lumber, poles, firewood, etc.), its honey-related production as well as its environmental role (afforestation of sand dunes and sterile dumps).

One of the most important activities in the middle basin of Jiu River is coal mining. After 1956 this activity has developed very quickly and two power plants were built in Rovinari and Turceni. As a result, sterile dumps and coal ash dumps have established so it was necessary to restore the area by afforestation. This activity started with the sterile dump Viaduct Rovinari, using Austrian pine and black locust, and continued with others such as Cocoreni and Moi. The most used tree species for ecological restoration was black locust. In order to express the stand structure, diameter at breast height (DBH), total height (H) and crown diameter were measured. The soil analysis were performed and showed differences in the content of heavy metals and radionuclides for both location. The study revealed positive correlations between DBH and H, a stronger one for Moi plantation. Our research highlights the capacity of black locust to establish and grow under very difficult site conditions.


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— Updated on 2020-06-30




How to Cite

BUZATU-GOANȚĂ (née) HERNEA, Cornelia, Mihaela Corneanu, Constantin Nețoiu, Andrei Buzatu, Anca Rovena Lăcătușu, and Luminița Cojocaru. “Black Locust Stand Structure on the Sterile Dump in the Middle Basin of Jiu River (Romania)”. REFORESTA, no. 9 (June 30, 2020): 9–19. Accessed March 4, 2025.