Application of a PhotoThermal model for container-grown conifer seedling production
This study applied a total energy approach to model seedling growth for container-grown loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Seedlings were grown in three container stocktypes representing a range of cavity volume and density patterns. These seedlings were grown under both controlled greenhouse and outside compound environmental conditions under well-defined cultural conditions. Models for temperature and light ranges were created from work on the ecophysiological performance and morphological development of loblolly pine to these atmospheric conditions. A PhotoThermal data set was created by generating hourly averages of these two environmental variables during the growing season. Light and temperature data were integrated, each weighted equally, into PhotoThermal hours (PTH) to assess the crop growth response. Loblolly pine seedling growth in both the greenhouse and outside compound was directly related to PTH. Seedling growth was also related to the container type with the largest cavity volume and lowest cavity density having the greatest growth per PTH. Application of the PhotoThermal model is discussed for growing seedlings in an operational program having multiple production steps, delivery dates and nursery locations.
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