Effects of Eucalyptus species on soil physicochemical properties in Ruhande Arboretum, Rwanda
Eucalyptus, soil, physicochemical properties, Ruhande ArboretumAbstract
This study combines research on soil physical and chemical properties as affected by four Eucalyptus species in Ruhande arboretum. The soil samples for research properties were taken from 0-20 cm depth using auger and one undisturbed core from each sampling unit was taken for the analysis of soil bulk density. Soil bulk density and moisture did not differ significantly between all treatments. Sand proportions differed significantly only between E. tereticornis and E. maidenii whereas silt and clay were non-significant. The soil under Eucalyptus was sandy, with sand proportion ranging from 66.4-71%. Bulk density increased with increasing sand whereas moisture content showed a reverse trend. The soil samples for studying chemical properties were taken as described in Nsabimana et al. 2008. All chemical parameters except base saturation differed significantly between treatments. Soil pH was strongly acidic but rich in total nitrogen and organic carbon which was attributed to higher litter production, its relatively faster rate of decomposition, and greater amount of residues produced by the eucalypts. Carbon/nitrogen ratio, CEC, and BS were high under all treatments while the available phosphorus was lower which was attributed to the low pH. Future studies should test if the species similarly affect the soil or not and confirm if the species increase soil nutrients. Benchmarked study sites should be used to enable differences in the species effects on the site if any.
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