Establishment of Gmelina arborea plantation in an uncultivated farmland inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting bacteria
Afforestation with Gmelina arborea
Mycorrhiza, Gigaspora albida, Glomus aggregatum, Azospirillum, Bacillus, White teakAbstract
Beneficial microbes are very essential for establishing tree plantations, particularly in wastelands or abandoned lands that make them suitable for cultivation. To establish a plantation in uncultivated farmland Gmelina arborea Roxb. tree seedlings were previously inoculated with the beneficial microbes (Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi - Gigaspora albida, Glomus aggregatum), plant growth promoting rhizo bacteria (PGPRs) - Azospirllum brasilense, Bacillus megaterium) in single and combinations. The effect of these beneficial microbes were analysed and it was found that the seedlings inoculated with AM fungi + PGPRs1+ PGPRs2 have improved in growth and biomass (shoot length: 85.3 cm plant-1; root length: 40.2 cm plant-1; number of leaves: 42.3 plant-1; stem girth: 9.5 mm plant-1; shoot dry weight: 8.89 g plant-1; root dry weight: 1.81 g plant-1) than the control and individual microbe inocuations. The tissue nutrients (N: 9.1 mg g-1; P: 9.5 mg g-1; K: 6.1 mg g-1) found higher particularly in AM fungi + PGPRs inoculated seedlings. Thus, improved seedlings were transplanted in an uncultivated farmland and monitored for growth and survival. The seedlings planted in the uncultivated farmland showed significant growth improvement. The single (AM fungi, PGPRs1, PGPRs2) and dual (AM fungi + PGPRs1/PGPRs2) inoculated seedlings of G. arborea showed 75 to 87% survival whereas the combined treatment (AM fungi + PGPRs1 + PGPRs2) showed 96% survival in farmland. These results confirmed that these beneficial microbes significantly contributed to the establishment of G. arborea seedlings in the uncultivated farmland through the transfer of nutrients.
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