Reforestation in Algeria: History, current practice and future perspectives


  • Saifi Merdas Centre of scientific and technical research on arid regions, BP n° 1682 R.P 07000 Biskra, Algeria Laboratory of biology and environment, Department of Biology and Ecology, Mentouri Brothers University - Constantine, Ain El Bey, 25017 Constantine, Algeria
  • Tewfik Mostephaoui Centre of scientific and technical research on arid regions, BP n° 1682 R.P 07000 Biskra, Algeria
  • Mohamed Belhamra Department of agronomic sciences, University of Mohamed Kheidar, Biskra, Algeria



Algerian Forests, History, Reforestation, Afforestation, Future Strategies


Reforestation in Algeria has been recognized as a priority in different programs for the development and enhancement of forest heritage. Degradation factors of forest and soil contribute significantly to the decline in land values. The Algerian forests in the past, during the colonial period suffered considerable degradation. The degraded forest heritage has been undertaken with serious programs since independence. Several programs for the development of the forest sector through reforestation have been carried out. Unfortunately, the achievements were still below expectations. The launch of the National Reforestation Plan in 2000 has given the forestry sector a new lease of life with a vision that incorporates the productive aspect of reforestation, the industrial aspect, and the recreational aspect. Before the end of the NRP timeline, significant reforestation projects are completed. In a future projection, reforestation is integrated into the land use planning within the framework of the National Plan of Land Use Planning.


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Author Biography

  • Saifi Merdas, Centre of scientific and technical research on arid regions, BP n° 1682 R.P 07000 Biskra, Algeria Laboratory of biology and environment, Department of Biology and Ecology, Mentouri Brothers University - Constantine, Ain El Bey, 25017 Constantine, Algeria
    Department of desertification monitoring


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Review articles

How to Cite

Merdas, Saifi, Tewfik Mostephaoui, and Mohamed Belhamra. “Reforestation in Algeria: History, Current Practice and Future Perspectives”. REFORESTA, no. 3 (July 1, 2017): 116–124. Accessed March 10, 2025.