Effect of using harvesting residues as a nursery media on seedling weight in Brutian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.)

Effect of Harvesting Residues on Seedling Weight in Pinus brutia


  • Durmuş Çetinkaya
  • Nebi Bilir Forestry Faculty of Suleyman Demirel Univetsity




Nursery, Pinus brutia, Seedling Quality, Water content


Effects of harvesting residues (needle, bark and branch) on fresh and dry weights of two-year bare root seedlings originated from a seed stand and a seed orchard were examined in Brutian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) to contribute nursery practices of the species and to estimate utilization possibility of the residues. Averages of seedling fresh and dry weights were 9.24 g and 3.36 g, respectively in polled treatments and origins. Results of analysis of variance showed significant differences (p≤0.05) among the treatments and between seed sources for the fresh and dry weights. Total averages of water content were 61.20% in root, 64.69% in stem and 63.75% in fresh weight of full seedling. Seed orchard seedlings had higher water content in root, stem and full seedling than seed stand seedlings opposite to fresh and dry weights. Averages of water content ranged from 60.39% (control treatment) to 65.94% (bark treatment) in full seedling of polled treatments and seed sources.


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Author Biography

  • Nebi Bilir, Forestry Faculty of Suleyman Demirel Univetsity

    Professor at Faculty of Forestry, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey. Prof. Bilir has 28 national and 69 international published papers.


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How to Cite

Çetinkaya, Durmuş, and Nebi Bilir. “Effect of Using Harvesting Residues As a Nursery Media on Seedling Weight in Brutian Pine (Pinus Brutia Ten.): Effect of Harvesting Residues on Seedling Weight in Pinus Brutia ”. REFORESTA, no. 9 (June 30, 2020): 37–43. Accessed March 3, 2025. https://journal.reforestationchallenges.org/index.php/REFOR/article/view/119.