Seed Source Effect on Quality and Morphology of Turkish Red Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Seedlings


  • Mahmut Cercioglu Golhisar Vocational School of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Golhisar, Burdur, Turkey
  • Nebi Bilir Forestry Faculty of Suleyman Demirel Univetsity



Pinus brutia, Seedling, Seed stand, Seed orchard


This study was carried out to compare quality and morphology in 1+0 year containerized seedlings of Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) originating from a seed stand and a seed orchard based on height and root-collar diameter. Averages of seedling height and root-collar diameter were 13.8 cm and 2.63 mm in orchard seedlings, while they were 14.8 cm and 4.56 mm in stand seedlings, respectively. There were significant differences (p≤0.05) between seed sources for the characters according to result of ANOVA. Stand seedlings were better quality than that of orchard seedlings according to quality classification of Turkish Standard Institute. Positive and significant (p≤0.05) relations were found between the characters in both seed sources based on results of correlation analysis. Results of the study were discussed for nursery practices, plantation forestry, and genetic-breeding of the species.


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Author Biography

  • Nebi Bilir, Forestry Faculty of Suleyman Demirel Univetsity

    Professor at Faculty of Forestry, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey. Prof. Bilir has 28 national and 69 international published papers.


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How to Cite

Cercioglu, Mahmut, and Nebi Bilir. “Seed Source Effect on Quality and Morphology of Turkish Red Pine (Pinus Brutia Ten.) Seedlings”. REFORESTA, no. 2 (December 26, 2016): 1–5. Accessed March 3, 2025.