Emerging terms for reforestation forests


  • John Stanturf Estonian University of Life Sciences
  • Gillian Petrokofsky Oxford Systematic Reviews LLP, Oxford, UK
  • Vladan Ivetić University of Belgrade - Faculty of Forestry https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0587-1422




Regeneration, Restoration, Proforestation, Prestoration, Rewilding, Climate-adapted, Nature-based solutions


New terms have proliferated as international focus on forest condition surged because of the role forests play in climate change mitigation and adaptation. From umbrella concepts (e.g., forestation, nature-based solutions, and ecosystem restoration) to specific methods (e.g., forest landscape restoration, rewilding, and assisted migration), nuanced terms target different beginning conditions (non-forest, harvested, deforested, or degraded forest) and desired future conditions (forest cover, self-sustaining systems, ecological integrity). Human well-being may or may not be a relevant objective. Quality forest reproductive material is critical for the success of large-scale planting to meet current policy objectives and future needs as climate warming and increased intensity and frequency of extreme events add to reforestation backlogs embodied in the new terminology and attitudes toward forest management.


Author Biographies

  • John Stanturf, Estonian University of Life Sciences

    Institute of Forestry and Engineering

  • Gillian Petrokofsky, Oxford Systematic Reviews LLP, Oxford, UK

    Principal and Partner

  • Vladan Ivetić, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Forestry

    Department of Forestry and Nature Protection


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How to Cite

Stanturf, John, Gillian Petrokofsky, and Vladan Ivetić. “Emerging Terms for Reforestation Forests”. REFORESTA, no. 18 (December 31, 2024): 59–82. Accessed March 27, 2025. https://journal.reforestationchallenges.org/index.php/REFOR/article/view/225.

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