Effect of seawater irrigation on germination and seedling growth of Carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) from Gouraya National park (Béjaïa, Algeria)
Agroforestry, carob, Fabaceae, irrigation, salinity, seed germinationAbstract
The carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) is an important component of the Mediterranean vegetation and its cultivation is important environmentally and economically. It is also an interesting leguminous species for afforestation-reforestation. In this study, carob seeds collected in a representative area of the Mediterranean basin at the national park of Gouraya (Béjaïa, Algeria), were subjected to germination tests under Mediterranean seawater (SW) irrigation of different concentrations (0, 10, 30, 50 and 100% SW) for 15-day period. Before germination tests, a 20 min pre-treatment with 96% sulphuric acid was necessary to overcome seed coat dormancy which does not permit germination. Results showed that the seeds of C. siliqua were able to germinate at different seawater concentration, except for 50% SW and 100% SW which resulted in total inhibition of germination. The maximum number of C. siliqua seed germination of 100% FGP (final germination percentage) appeared at 0% SW and 10% SW. Only 35.5% of the seeds have germinated in 30% SW. Ungerminated seeds of C. siliqua from different SW treatments showed medium germination recovery (FGPRecov) of 39.9% at 50% SW and low recovery of 18.2% at 100% SW when transferred to distilled water after 15 day-period. Seedlings length and seedling fresh and dry weight were significantly (P < 0.001) decreased with increasing SW concentrations. Seedling water content remained constant in 10% SW in comparison with the control, while it decreased very slightly in 30% SW. These findings may serve as useful information for C. siliqua habitat establishment and afforestation-reforestation programs in coastal sites and for exploiting seawater in the area.
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