Assessment of the germination potential of Myrtus communis (L.) based on seed size




Bioconservation, germination behavior, Myrtaceae, seed biometry, Reforestation


The woody fodder species Myrtus communis (L.) is commonly found in the forested areas of northeastern Algeria, thus helping to alleviate the goat husbandry shortage during the summer. This study aims to conserve the species and counteract its declining populations due to various biotic and abiotic factors. A specific objective of this study is to assess the correlation between seed size and germination vigor in M. communis, as well as emergence of seedlings. A sample of 15 M. communis individuals was selected, and 500 fruits were randomly collected in the vegetation of Jijel National Park (Jijel, northeast Algeria). One month after post-ripening, when fruit moisture content reached 25.2%, seeds were manually extracted from the fruits and categorized into three sizes (large, medium, and small). Then, 100 leaves, 100 intact fruits, and 100 seeds from each size category were measured and weighed. Various morphological characteristics were recorded, including leaf and fruit length and width, pulp weight, seed number, pulp-to-seed ratio, seed size, and moisture content. Seed germination and initial seedling growth were monitored weekly.  Seeds of M. communis ranged in weight from 0.03 to 0.18 grams. In comparison with medium (1.5%) and small (0%) seeds, large seeds showed significantly higher germination rates (93%) after three weeks of sowing. Moreover, seedlings originating from large seeds grew vigorously, reaching a length of 10.9 cm. According to our findings, seed size in M. communis can affect seed germination and high-quality seedling establishment.


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Author Biographies

  • Lahouaria Mounia Mansouri, University of Batna 2

    Department of Ecology and Environment

  • Abdenour Kheloufi, University of Batna 2

    University of Batna 2

  • Rabah Belatreche, University of Batna 2

    Department of Ecology and Environment


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How to Cite

Mansouri, Lahouaria Mounia, Abdenour Kheloufi, and Rabah Belatreche. “Assessment of the Germination Potential of Myrtus Communis (L.) Based on Seed Size”. REFORESTA, no. 17 (June 29, 2024): 10–17. Accessed March 3, 2025.

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