Effect of sowing pattern and density on the quality of one-year-old Austrian pine bareroot seedlings





bareroot seedling, seedling quality, Austrian pine, sowing density, sowing pattern


Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) seedlings are frequently used for afforestation/reforestation and restoration practice in Serbia. Indeed, the seedlings of various stock types are produced by almost all forest nurseries in Serbia and bareroot seedlings are mostly common. The aim of this study is to analyze the method of sowing and sowing density on some morphological characteristics and quality of one-year-old Austrian pine seedlings. Sowing in rows and random sowing across all seedbed space were performed. In both cases, the sowing density (R1 - 8 g m-1, R2 - 40 g m-2) and half of the recommended sowing density (S1 - 4 g m-1, S2 - 20 g m-2) were applied. Seedlings from both treatments had average height and root collar diameter values in the range of 4.91 to 5.73 cm, and 1.25 to 2.34 mm, respectively. Observed characteristics of seedlings (height - H, root collar diameter - RCD, root length - RL, dry weight of shoot - SDW, root - RDW and seedlings - SLDW, sturdiness coefficient - SQ and quality index - QI) were conditioned by treatment (One-Way ANOVA, p<0.05). Shoot to root ration was similar at seedlings of all treatments and ranged from 1.33 to 1.63. In both cases, decreased density produced better results. The combination of lower sowing density (20 g m-2) and sowing in all seedbed areas (S2) provided the best seedlings with QI - 0.21.


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How to Cite

Devetaković, Jovana R, Lučian Krinulović, and Ivona Kerkez Janković. “Effect of Sowing Pattern and Density on the Quality of One-Year-Old Austrian Pine Bareroot Seedlings”. REFORESTA, no. 10 (December 30, 2020): 25–30. Accessed March 3, 2025. https://journal.reforestationchallenges.org/index.php/REFOR/article/view/132.

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