Field performance of Austrian pine bareroot seedlings in comparision to seedlings pattern and density in the nursery




Austrian pine seedlings, morphological attributes, seedbed density, outplanting performance, survival


The Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) is a species often used in afforestation/reforestation programs in Serbia and region. Seedlings quality has a great role in outplanting survival and growth. Nursery cultural practice has a central influence on seedlings morphological attributes, so we tested seedlings quality from different seedbed densities and seedlings patterns and their outplanting success. Two-year-old bareroot seedlings were grown in very high densities (110 seedlings m-1 in rows and 750 seedlings m-2 across all seedbed space) and high densities (65 seedlings m-1in rows and 450 seedlings m-2 across all seedbed space). Morphological attributes (root collar diameter - RCD, height - H, sturdiness coefficient - SQ, root length – Rl, dry weight of shoot - SDW and root - RDW, shoot to root ration - S:R and quality index - QI) of seedlings from different densities were tested in the nursery before outplanting and compare with seedlings survival and growth (root collar diameter – RCD1 and height – H1) one year after field growing. Seedlings from different densities had accepted RCD (>3 mm) for field planting and there were significant differences in their morphological attributes, except Rl and S:R. The best survival was recorded at seedlings from highest seedbed densities (93.33%), opposite with many previous researches. Seedlings grown across all seedbed space (450 seedlings per m-2) keep their advantage in growth after first year, although survival was lowest (46.67%).


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How to Cite

Devetaković, Jovana R, Slavko Pavlović, Lučian Krinulović, and Ivona Kerkez Janković. “Field Performance of Austrian Pine Bareroot Seedlings in Comparision to Seedlings Pattern and Density in the Nursery”. REFORESTA, no. 11 (June 30, 2021): 27–35. Accessed March 7, 2025.

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